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© 2012 DM Lazurenko, VN Kira, E. Aslanian, OM Bakhtin "Some EEG correlates of ideomotor REAL AND ACTIVITIES" (Automatic translation)

November 13, 2012 at 10:41 am

© 2012 DM Lazurenko, VN Kira, E. Aslanian, OM Bakhtin "Some EEG correlates of ideomotor REAL AND ACTIVITIES" (Automatic translation)

Abstract: The activity of the human brain during movement and voluntary motor imagery was investigated. It was shown that the negative shift of the potential associated with the real and imagery movement preparation. The difference of the spatiotemporal structure of the surface-negative wave in the real and imagery movement was not significant. Recent data suggests that there are differences between late potentials of the movement and motor imagery.

XVI International Conference on Neurocybernetics (ICNC-12)

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