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Zdorovesberezheniya problems in sports (Automatic translation)

July 13, 2012 at 6:35 am

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Zdorovesberezheniya problems in sports (Automatic translation)

The most common objective indicator of the direction of the training process, is athletic performance. The author is convinced that only a healthy athlete can show his best result at the level of their potential.

Осипов А.Ю. Проблемы здоровьесбережения при занятиях спортом // Современные физкультурно-оздоровительные технологии в физическом воспитании: Сб. мат. Всерос. научно-практической конф. Чайковский, Чайковский ЧГИФК. 2011. - С.86 - 87.

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1) DA Zavialov The use of health-technology in training athletes of high class. Physical education and sport in the education system. School health: Sat. Materials of the International Symposium / Krasnoyarsk. State. Univ. - Krasnoyarsk, 2004. - S. 181-183.

2) A. Osipov Assessment of the athletes on the basis of the ECG monitor / A. Osipov / / Theory and Practice of Physical Culture. - M., 2007. - № 7. - S. 46 - 48.

3) SA Fedotkina Analysis of the causes of the end of sports career (for example, high-class sportsmen in the Krasnoyarsk Territory). Physical education and sport in the education system. School health: Sat. Materials of the International Symposium / Krasnoyarsk. State. Univ. - Krasnoyarsk, 2004. - S. 62 - 63.


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