All publication on the topic "Pedagogy"

Педагогические условия организации процесса инфоком-муникационного взаимодействия в вузе Педагогические условия организации процесса инфоком-муникационного взаимодействия в вузе
Рассмотрены основные педагогические условия организации эффективного процесса инфокоммуникационного взаимодействия субъектов образовательного процесса в контексте компетентностной образовательной парадигмы. Приведены некоторые результаты экспериментальной работы на материалах кафедры «Туризм, рекреация и спорт» ФГБОУ ВПО «Госуниверситет-УНПК».
В статье рассматриваются вопросы повышения уровня технического мастерства юношей 13-14 лет, занимающихся борьбой самбо и дзюдо, путем внесения изменений в учебно-тренировочный процесс освоения, разучивания и отработки приемов борьбы.
Сегодня, основным условием качественной профессиональной деятельности специалиста является наличие у него набора общих и специальных знаний, умений и компетенций, а так же высокого уровня физического здоровья и психологической устойчивости к будущей трудовой деятельности. В данной статье, авторы рассматривают вопросы формирования высокого уровня психофизической устойчивости к профессиональным нагрузкам у студенток юридического института на занятиях оздоровительной аэробикой. Ключевые слова: юристы, профессиональная деятельность, студенты, психологические показатели, физическая культура, оздоровительная аэробика.
Сегодня, значительное число исследований посвящено проблемам физического воспитания студентов и формирования здорового образа жизни современной молодежи. Большинство авторов сходится во мнении о необходимости внесения структурных изменений в процесс физического воспитания студентов с целью повышения уровня их здоровья и развития физических качеств. В статье рассматриваются различные структурные формы организации процесса физического воспитания студентов в современных условиях. Студенты, физическое воспитание, модульное обучение, специализации, двигательная активность.
Formation of students' adaptation to the conditions of professional education of values ​​and important means of physical culture Formation of students' adaptation to the conditions of professional education of values ​​and important means of physical culture
Intellectual potential of the country depends on the quality of higher education. Progressive rhythm of student life requires him more physical activity. Adaptation to physical activity requires more physical perfection
The use of information technology in the educational process in pedagogical institutes and II levels of accreditation... (Automatic translation) The use of information technology in the educational process in pedagogical institutes and II levels of accreditation... (Automatic translation)
The use of information technology in the educational process in pedagogical institutes and II levels of accreditation
Teachers summarize conference (Automatic translation) Teachers summarize conference (Automatic translation)
Ninth Scientific Conference of teachers in Russia and abroad "Primary school education in the context of the GEF: the realization, expectations, risks" finished its work. Venue for the conference was the Second St. Petersburg High School.
Curriculum: Formation of adaptability to the labor market (Automatic translation) Curriculum: Formation of adaptability to the labor market (Automatic translation)
The program is adapted to the two age groups with the psychosocial stages of personality development. : Teens 15-19 and 20-25 let.Prodolzhitelnost - 9 months. 144ch. Purpose: To build adaptability to the labor market. Objectives: Educational objectives 1. Promote a positive image of themselves and the ability to objectively evaluate their own personal resources. 2. Forming students adequately present knowledge and level of educational program picture of the world: the business environment. 3. Trained to control emotions, conflict and psychological protection. 4. To form the ability to analyze and evaluate information, situations, events and motives. 5. Trained to employment. 6. Trained to build a career. Developmental problems 1. Development of critical thinking 2. Developing an understanding of the mechanisms of social interaction between people. 3. The competitiveness and self-organization. 4. Developing an understanding of successful integriratsii the social environment. 5. Motivation to develop independent work. 6. Develop competencies. Educational objectives 1. Ability to educate quietly, without hostility to perceive another's way of life, behavior, habits, feelings, opinions and ideas. 2. Cultivate respect for social norms and ethical requirements.
The professionalism and skill of pedagogical activity on formation of universal educational activities for primary school children (Automatic translation) The professionalism and skill of pedagogical activity on formation of universal educational activities for primary school children (Automatic translation)
Summary. This article discusses the concept of professionalism and skill of pedagogical activity on formation of universal educational activities for primary school children in the process of introduction of the federal state educational standards in national schools.
Sport and Recreation EVENTS IN DAILY ACTIVITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY (Automatic translation) Sport and Recreation EVENTS IN DAILY ACTIVITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY (Automatic translation)
In this paper, the authors propose to use recreational facilities of various activities, sports and mass, diagnostic and educational measures to solve the health problems of students and staff in higher education.
The article shows the role of primary school teachers in shaping health and healthy lifestyles pupils. The specific character of professional activity of primary school teachers in connection with the introduction of educational standards of the second generation. We present the content of physical education pupils.
Analysis of formation rates of readiness of primary school teachers to the sports and recreational activities as a result of training (Automatic translation) Analysis of formation rates of readiness of primary school teachers to the sports and recreational activities as a result of training (Automatic translation)
The results of pedagogical experiment for testing special course in the Continuing Professional Education, aimed at increasing the availability of primary school teachers to the sports and recreational activities. The dynamics of informational, motivational, the operational components of the readiness of elementary school teachers to the sports and recreational activities in the training of the pilot program.
Problems zdorovesberezheniya students have acquired to date, the state value, and require an additional activation of scientists and engineers in the development of effective health and fitness technology in higher education. However, any sport and health technology are not productive if they, according to the authors, are not expressed in a number of pedagogical issues.
FORMATION OF TEACHING TECHNOLOGY READINESS students for professional careers (Automatic translation) FORMATION OF TEACHING TECHNOLOGY READINESS students for professional careers (Automatic translation)
The authors cite the example of forming the necessary professional competencies through the use of teaching, School health. One of the most effective technology in physical education will be called case studies (the method to specific situations).
Optimization of the educational process on discipline PHYSICAL CULTURE (Automatic translation) Optimization of the educational process on discipline PHYSICAL CULTURE (Automatic translation)
At the present time, due to the constantly deteriorating level of health of students, it is particularly important that the search for new, effective methods of optimizing the teaching and educational process in the discipline physical education in higher education. Sociological data obtained by the authors during the research will undoubtedly help improve the quality of the training sessions.
PEDAHOHYCHESKYE of improving the training TECHNOLOGY IN Process discipline PEDAHOHYCHESKYE of improving the training TECHNOLOGY IN Process discipline "FYZYCHESKAYA culture." (Automatic translation)
In article are considered options for changes to the training process by CONTENT discipline "fyzycheskaya culture" in the higher educational training institution, with a view to improve the quality and follow-optimization.
APPLICATION TO EXERCISE SPECIAL Athletic physical training in KRASGMU MI. PROF. VF Voyno-Yasenetsky (Automatic translation) APPLICATION TO EXERCISE SPECIAL Athletic physical training in KRASGMU MI. PROF. VF Voyno-Yasenetsky (Automatic translation)
Due to the low level of physical and technical preparedness of students, the authors propose an active impolzovat in the educational process in universities specialized exercises from various sports.
Counterattack FIGHT (Automatic translation) Counterattack FIGHT (Automatic translation)
Problems of formation of sportsmanship fighters Sambo, in the opinion of the author, not enough studied to date. This article discusses the problem of training fighters counterattacking actions.
Experts estimate up to 70% of university students in one way or another are not healthy people. Over the past 10 years, the number of students with disabilities in health uvelichivaetsya.Aktivnaya constantly work on the formation and development of health and wellness of students should be the leadership of universities within the following areas. First, deliberate, relentless formation of each person, of course, especially in children, adolescents, young people, the motivation to maintain and strengthen their health, healthy lifestyle. Development and education in all possible ways and means of teaching, needs, desires and aspirations to be healthy.
OPTIMAL PARAMETERS amount of exercise the classroom special medical groups (Automatic translation) OPTIMAL PARAMETERS amount of exercise the classroom special medical groups (Automatic translation)
Serious problems associated with the level of physical development and education of students with various diseases and variations in health status, occupy a leading position in the departments of physical education in higher education.
Zdorovesberezheniya problems in sports (Automatic translation) Zdorovesberezheniya problems in sports (Automatic translation)
The most common objective indicator of the direction of the training process, is athletic performance. The author is convinced that only a healthy athlete can show his best result at the level of their potential.
METHODS OF YOUTH HEALTH (Automatic translation) METHODS OF YOUTH HEALTH (Automatic translation)
One of the major problems facing teachers of vital departments of physical education universities - a low level of health and physical fitness abiturientov.Iskhodya out of this situation is extremely unfavorable to health of pupils and students, improving the efficiency of their small physical education, it is particularly important that the development and introduction of new scientific and methodological approaches to assess their physical development, operational readiness and adaptation studies formed the basis vozmozhnostey.V methodical Professor A. Zavyalov, in which he proves the possibility of using the ECG as the most accurate, affordable and effective method of controlling the level of physical fitness and health of the subjects.
Today, a large number of university graduates have a variety of diseases, which certainly affects their subsequent career. Rectify the situation may well-formed professional competence. The main role in the formation of the necessary competencies, should belong to the authors' opinion, the Department of Physical Education High Schools.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION STUDENTS OF THE HEALTH OF FUNDS improving aerobics (Automatic translations) PHYSICAL EDUCATION STUDENTS OF THE HEALTH OF FUNDS improving aerobics (Automatic translations)
Problems of physical education of students with poor health, to date, taking pride of place in the educational activities of higher education. The authors offer solutions to their use in teaching AI techniques Zavyalov, to improve operational readiness and health practitioners.
Stable equilibrium, as a necessary component of training counterattacking actions to combat sambo (Automatic translation) Stable equilibrium, as a necessary component of training counterattacking actions to combat sambo (Automatic translation)
Due to changes in competition rules to combat sambo, towards an active, offensive struggle, should be changed and the system of training fighters to compete. The author believes that an essential component of technical training Sambo fighter, should be the ability to timely perform counterattacking actions.
Improving operational readiness Sambo fighters (Automatic translation) Improving operational readiness Sambo fighters (Automatic translation)
Due to recent changes in the rules of competition in sambo in the direction of an active, offensive struggle, should be changed and the system of training athletes for competition. The author examines the issues of improving the training process in sambo, through a targeted increase the operational readiness of fighters to competitive pressures.
Improving technical skills of the wrestlers (Automatic translation) Improving technical skills of the wrestlers (Automatic translation)
Due to changes in competition rules to combat sambo, towards an active, offensive struggle, should be changed and the system of technical training. The author examines the issues of improving sports skills Sambo fighters, through purposeful development of a sense of balance among the fighters.
Methods of objective assessment of the level of health and operational readiness STUDENTS (Automatic translation) Methods of objective assessment of the level of health and operational readiness STUDENTS (Automatic translation)
Objectives: One of the important problems facing teachers of physical culture, is considered a low level of health and physical readiness of students. Another problem is the lack of valid and reliable methods of controlling the load received by students in the classroom, which often leads to a deterioration in their functional state. The aim of this work is to improve the operational readiness of students to exercise, which will positively affect the overall physical fitness. Methods: The author proposes to use in teaching physical education departments, the method of Professor A. Zavyalova as informative and reliable criterion for assessing the organism's reaction to physical stress. This method worked well in the training process of high-class sportsmen. Results: The findings indicate that young people involved in the experimental group, as a result of training sessions, minute blood volume decreased significantly (P <0.05) with 5,6 ± 0,4 l / min. up to 4,5 ± 0,3, indicating a more economical operation of the body alone students of experimental group compared with the original parameters. The data obtained show that the level of operational readiness of students in the experimental group after the experiment, significantly higher than control group students. Scope of the results: This method is experimentally confirmed to be effective and may, in the opinion of the author, is widely used in the training process to discipline physical education in secondary and higher vocational education.
Pedagogy (Automatic translation) Pedagogy (Automatic translation)
The study of the profession pedagogy.
Electronic books (Automatic translation) Electronic books (Automatic translation)
The use of information technology in the learning process.
How can I quickly learn English (Automatic translation) How can I quickly learn English (Automatic translation)
My view of the rapid learning of English.
Classes at the college Cats (Automatic translation) Classes at the college Cats (Automatic translation)
In this article I propose to introduce innovations in the classroom
Engineering and Teacher Education (Automatic translation) Engineering and Teacher Education (Automatic translation)
We are talking about the possibility of pedagogiku.Kakie is for teachers in different directions and what is not enough.
Videoconferencing (Automatic translation) Videoconferencing (Automatic translation)
the use of videoconferencing in schools
Information technology in education and training (Automatic translation) Information technology in education and training (Automatic translation)
The article presents the main directions of informatization of education issues at the present stage, the direction of the educational process in computer science, related to the use of innovative new technologies and innovative forms of active learning methods.
The use of new information technologies in education (Automatic translation) The use of new information technologies in education (Automatic translation)
In this article I propose to use modern technology in education.
Multimedia (Automatic translation) Multimedia (Automatic translation)
An important element of the education system may be a transition of libraries of educational institutions on the use of new information (computer) technology. The main condition of service for users is to expand the capabilities of reference.
Innovative solutions in the learning process (Automatic translation) Innovative solutions in the learning process (Automatic translation)
Application development and implementation of information and communication technology and mathematical methods (in industries and activities)
This article explains the importance of independent work, are considered species of special subjects in the study of the cycle of information-oriented specialties (for example, the college of communication).
Education strategy for the near future (Automatic translation) Education strategy for the near future (Automatic translation)
The article deals with the construction of the educational system. The article deals with ways and means of solving problems of education in Russia as a whole.
Record lectures (Automatic translation) Record lectures (Automatic translation)
In this article, I suggest to innovation in education.
Two points of Nikolai Ivanovich Ilminsky (Automatic translation) Two points of Nikolai Ivanovich Ilminsky (Automatic translation)
April 22, 1822 in Penza born Nikolai Ilminsky, Orientalist, educator and missionary.
CHUVASH educator Ivan Yakovlev (Automatic translation) CHUVASH educator Ivan Yakovlev (Automatic translation)
April 25 in the Chuvash Republic is traditionally celebrated as the Day of Chuvash language. Chuvash poet Mikhail Sespel wrote: "Chăvash săvvi, chăvash sămahĕ, Atăl humĕ peck, peck vărman Sassi, Sassi kĕsle vyrănne pool ... Chuvash verse, Chuvash word leaped, like the waves of the Volga, zashumyat as wood, ring out like a string psaltery." In 2003, the Law of the Chuvash Republic "On languages ​​of the Chuvash Republic", which regulates public relations in the development and use of the Chuvash, Russian and other languages ​​used by the population of the republic in the state, socio-economic and cultural life that protects the constitutional rights of citizens in this area, promote respect for national dignity of man, his culture and language. In the eighth article of the Constitution of the Chuvash Republic says: "The official languages ​​of the Chuvash Republic are the Chuvash and Russian languages." April 25, 1848 was born Chuvash outstanding teacher and educator, organizer of the public schools, the creator of the Chuvash alphabet and the first books of the Chuvash language and Russian language Chuvash Ivan Yakovlevich Yakovlev. In August 1921 Ivan Yakovlevich turned testament to the Chuvash people: "In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost! I turn to you first, my friends and relatives of Chuvash. On you I was sick at heart, to you at this hour, my thought turns, and you first want to say my last wishes. Stronger than the greatest of all take care of the shrine - faith in God. Faith inspires strength of mind and heart, brings inner peace, comfort and encourage the soul in hours of misery and grief, purifies and enlightens her happiness and good fortune. With faith in God is not afraid of life's challenges: without faith it is cold and dark on earth. Believe that there is mzdovozdatel for good and for evil, which is the supreme truth - is God's judgment, the formidable and righteous. Honor and love a great, kind and intelligent Russian people, concealing his inexhaustible power of the mind and will. The people that took you into his family, as brothers, do not hurt and humiliated you. Led by Providence for the great, invisible to us goals, so that people will be your leader, and Development: follow him and believe in him. Difficult was the life of this nation, many sorrows and misfortunes he met on his long and sorrowful way, but it is not extinguished the lights of a spirit of understanding and has not lost his high calling. Yes, your joy will be his joys, his sorrows your sorrows and you are partakers of his coming greatness, and bright. The people that did not hurt you in the past, it will not hurt you in the future. Love him and move closer to him. In any field there are weeds, but my long experience but will guarantee that among the Russian people, you will always find good and intelligent people that can help you right cause. The Russian people have suffered their own truth, and there is no doubt true that he will share with you. Believe in Russia, love it and it will be your mother. The key to guiding and so will the immortal name of my teacher Nikolai Ivanovich Ilminsky, embodies for me the grandeur and the beauty of the Russian national character. I appeal to those of you who are lucky enough to get an education. Remember that you are responsible to help their poor and destitute brethren, are not hoping that help will come to them from somewhere, remember that the duty to work on education Chuvash is, above all, to you, the people who came from their environment. Go back to his people as a treasure of scientific knowledge, instill among them the concept of citizenship, and teach them the law and the law: the care of this need to take you, coming from the people. Do not shun poverty, weakness and ignorance of their relatives: from them you are out, and for them you have to work to pay off your debt at the expense of the people received education. Love the people will reward you for what you do not forget your duty to his younger brothers. Remember that people's own heart, you only if you do not shun the national language. In his address to the people's language is not Russian cause of treason, to serve the great Russian fatherland can not forget their native language and perceived by your mother. Complete what may be possible to finish me, let Scripture Chuvash people, a fully completed translation of the Old Testament. Serve the cause of Christian education, spreading the light of the gospel among the many nationalities living in the Russian East: the language and spirit of you closer to these peoples than they are Russian. Work on this vast field to the Russian people will pay you a part of the great debt that you owe him, receiving from him the light of the Christian faith. Take care of the family: a family - support people and the state. Family legacy has always been strong among the Chuvash. Guard well this treasure. The family fortune - protection from life's trials. Strong and united family is not afraid of external worldly troubles. Take care of chastity, be afraid of wine, and temptations, if oberezhete family oberezhete children and create strong support for the peace and quiet work. Be friendly to each other, avoid petty squabbles accounts and remember a great testament of the Savior, love those who hate you, and strongly hope for the vitality of the concessions and indulgence. Believe in the power of labor peace and love him. Do the smallest thing patiently and with love, do not grumble at the size of a vital task. The least it can be light and love for him to comprehend the attitude and the highest you can drop the attitude and defame careless and negligent. Happiness and success come to all, peacefully and lovingly perpetrated by the case. Fear of curves and circuitous routes: the success attained by dishonest means, fragile and temporary. That's what I want to say to you, ready to appear before the supreme judge. And if a man has the memory of the offense intentionally or unintentionally, caused by me, please forgive me and pray for me. I heartily thank you for your warmth and affection, which is not on the merits of my gifts to me, my people, and many Russian people who came with an open heart to help my case. I bring warm thanks to all my mates and staff at work: without their unselfish zeal would have been impossible, and my work. I send greetings to direct my students. School hours, among them carried out, were encouraging hours of my life. Yes and yes oberezhet keep God in your life your ways. " Cheboksary historian Alex Makarevsky tells the early years of Ivan Yakovlevich Yakovlev, based on his memories of "My Life" (Moscow, Publisher "The Republic", 1997).
And again on the competence and expertise (Automatic translation) And again on the competence and expertise (Automatic translation)
The article is, on the one hand, the response to the publication in scientbook (section "Psychology"), Professor PA Korchemnaya "Psychological aspects of the competency approach to learning." On the other hand, the author turns to the debate and presents his views on the concept of "competence", "general cultural competence," "professional competence" and "competence", "competent person" as well as their relationship. In addition, the article attempts to identify reasons for the selection of various skills and competencies. As such a base in terms of activity theory of social learning experiences and educational rights are offered professional tasks of the future of the graduates in the specialty (area of ​​training).
Reminder to parents of high school teacher of Russian language and literature (Automatic translation) Reminder to parents of high school teacher of Russian language and literature (Automatic translation)
Publish a reminder of school № 50, Ulan-Ude, which, in my opinion, it will be very useful for other students.
  • April 2, 2012 at 9:31 pm
  • Pavel
The article deals with innovative teaching and methodological complexes, the main tasks of multimedia and how to solve them. As an example, the technique of teaching discipline, "Materials." Noted the effectiveness of a slide lecture with handouts of the working material. Keywords: innovative teaching and methodological complexes, information technology, multimedia presentations, slide - lectures, education, competence, teaching methods, teachers, and students.