Experts estimate up to 70% of university students in one way or another are not healthy people. Over the past 10 years, the number of students with disabilities in health uvelichivaetsya.Aktivnaya constantly work on the formation and development of health and wellness of students should be the leadership of universities within the following areas. First, deliberate, relentless formation of each person, of course, especially in children, adolescents, young people, the motivation to maintain and strengthen their health, healthy lifestyle. Development and education in all possible ways and means of teaching, needs, desires and aspirations to be healthy.
Осипов А.Ю. Основные аспекты формирования физкультурно-оздоровительных технологий в образовательной деятельности вузов // Актуальные проблемы и перспективы развития российского и международного медицинского образования. Вузовская педагогика: мат. конф. /To view "KEY ASPECTS OF Sport and Recreation TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION ACTIVITIES (Automatic translation)"
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1) Kaluga Y. Promoting a healthy lifestyle as a national idea of Russia / / Physical Education and Health: Youth Science and innovation: a collection of scientific works of participants of the International Scientific Conference / ed. ED Mud. Tula: Publishing House of the Tula State University, 2011. - P.59 - 61.
2) A. Osipov, MV Tyazhelnikova Sports specialization in high school / / Ch. Ed. SJ Nikulin Innovative educational technology, and effective organization of educational process in medical school. High school pedagogy: Proceedings of the conference. - Krasnoyarsk: Verso, 2011. - S.202 - 204.
3) GO Serebryakov, VN Egorov Analysis of morbidity and athletic activities of high school students / / Physical Education and Health: Youth Science and innovation: a collection of scientific works of participants of the International Scientific Conference / ed. ED Mud. Tula: Publishing House of the Tula State University, 2011. - P.155 - 157.
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