The authors cite the example of forming the necessary professional competencies through the use of teaching, School health. One of the most effective technology in physical education will be called case studies (the method to specific situations).
Осипов А.Ю., Михайлова С.А., Гольм Л.А. Педагогические технологии формирования готовности студентов к профессиональной деятельности // Физическая культура и спорт на современном этапе: проблемы, перспективы и условия развития: мат. Всерос. научно-практичеTo view "FORMATION OF TEACHING TECHNOLOGY READINESS students for professional careers (Automatic translation)"
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1) Modern education technology [electronic resource] URL: (date accessed 01/12/12)
2) EA Yugova Analysis of the structure and content of health-competence of students of pedagogical universities / EA Yugova / / Herald KSPU them. VP Astafieva. V.1. Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. , 2011. № 3 (17) / Krasnoyarsk. State. ped. Univ. them. VP Astafieva. Krasnoyarsk, 2011. - S.213 - 217.
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