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Remedial and developmental work on the development of cognitive sphere of children 5-6 years (Automatic translation)


July 21, 2012 at 2:36 pm

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Remedial and developmental work on the development of cognitive sphere of children 5-6 years (Automatic translation)

This session focused on the development of cognitive abilities in children under school age. Especially valuable is the fact that remedial classes are developing in an interesting form of a game, a common theme, in which all actions take place with the characters, gnomes. What creates a special atmosphere in the classroom.

For children Dwarfs - sensible, neat, endowed with many features of adults - still remain small. They can be mischievous and jolly, kind and direct, like children. This makes children sensitive ¬ stvo credibility and commitment to take care of them on the Rights of the great, the children have a good opportunity to demonstrate independence and responsibility. In the game, they seemed to help little people like to perform different actions. In this situation, removed the fear of a mistake, because there is always the possibility of self-rehabilitation - you can tell yourself that wrong gnome. But at the same time, each child tries to make it to the gnome was very attentive and intelligent [9, p.3].

In the "match patterns" I use poetic accompaniment to every child emerged not only a visual image of the object, shape, and hearing.

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List of used literature:

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Three. Veraksa NE Do you understand your child?: A book for parents. - M. Bustard, 2006. - 91s.

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