Techniques on the topic "Psychology"

Sensorimotor development of preschool children (Automatic translation) Sensorimotor development of preschool children (Automatic translation)
The article deals with the organization of interaction between educational psychologist with the parents in the process of correction and developing and psychodiagnostic work in one direction, sensorimotor development of preschool children from 2 to 7 years. Nikulin FH Sensorimotor development of preschool children. / Actual problems of modern psychology and pedagogy with international participation.
Remedial and developmental work on the development of cognitive sphere of children 5-6 years (Automatic translation) Remedial and developmental work on the development of cognitive sphere of children 5-6 years (Automatic translation)
This session focused on the development of cognitive abilities in children under school age. Especially valuable is the fact that remedial classes are developing in an interesting form of a game, a common theme, in which all actions take place with the characters, gnomes. What creates a special atmosphere in the classroom. For children Dwarfs - sensible, neat, endowed with many features of adults - still remain small. They can be mischievous and jolly, kind and direct, like children. This makes children sensitive ¬ stvo credibility and commitment to take care of them on the Rights of the great, the children have a good opportunity to demonstrate independence and responsibility. In the game, they seemed to help little people like to perform different actions. In this situation, removed the fear of a mistake, because there is always the possibility of self-rehabilitation - you can tell yourself that wrong gnome. But at the same time, each child tries to make it to the gnome was very attentive and intelligent [9, p.3]. In the "match patterns" I use poetic accompaniment to every child emerged not only a visual image of the object, shape, and hearing.
Father and child. Round table in kindergarten (Automatic translation) Father and child. Round table in kindergarten (Automatic translation)
The relationship between parents and children - one of the major problems of family education. And especially I would like to focus on the role of the father in child care. Many men believe that caring for a child - not man's work. This is a misconception. You can be a devoted father and a real man at a time. We know that spiritual closeness and friendship between father and children have a positive impact on the character of the child and the rest of his life. But is it easy to achieve spiritual affinity and mutual understanding between father and child. It often happens that fathers are afraid that their children, especially sons, will not love them if they would be too restrictive. Therefore, they try in education take a back seat. But research scientists - psychologists and teachers - have shown that children tend to be less like those parents who are away from their upbringing.
Of rabbit, cat and bear lessons for the development of sensory and fine motor skills in children 3-4 years (Automatic translation) Of rabbit, cat and bear lessons for the development of sensory and fine motor skills in children 3-4 years (Automatic translation)
Classes focus on the development of sensory and motor function in children 2 - 7 years, with the game manual "Pinks" (Barchan TA).
Games on the development of color perception (Automatic translation) Games on the development of color perception (Automatic translation)
Knowledge of the child the world begins with the senses. For children 3-4 years confidently and accurately distinguish some sounds, voice of loved ones, distinguish some of the tastes and smells, but especially they generally recognize color. They often know the names of some of them.
About Music Therapy ... (Automatic translation) About Music Therapy ... (Automatic translation)
My deep belief that all children are gifted by nature, they love to sing, compose, dance, do ... We need to help them achieve their creative and intellectual potential without compromising the health, learn to appreciate the cultural heritage, to love their homeland, and we have healthy, educated , creative, harmonically developed generation! In modern Russia, a lot of talk about a comprehensive, harmonious upbringing of the younger generation. In the lessons the children receive a basic knowledge of subjects. Every year, increasingly sophisticated software and the increasing volume of information, sometimes leads to the fact that attention to the creative, spiritual and patriotic education of children is not sufficient. In addition, as a result of the dynamics of modern life, busy in school, social distress in families, lack of information space increases the number of children with health problems. This is a serious pedagogical problem, as the difficult process of learning, reduces the quality of knowledge, slow mental and physical development of children, causes abnormalities in their social behavior. For over seven years I have been studying the impact of music on children's health and mood. The problem of recovery with the help of sounds and music, the study of its impact on health and behavior of scientists engaged in for thousands of years. On the therapeutic effect of sound. Music, singing, breathing ancient philosophers wrote, they are joined, and modern physicists, physicians from many countries. The data show the effectiveness of music as a means of saving health. Therapeutic properties of music are directly related to the frequency of sound waves and their effects on physiological and psychological processes in the body. This method of restoration, conservation and optimization of health behaviors through a variety of music is called - music therapy. Recreational and educational potential of music therapy is very high. With the help of various means of music therapy: a specialized complex music, classical music of different directions, music, nature, vokaloterapii, sound therapy, various techniques of breathing exercises, music and rhythm games, we can positively and effectively influence the behavior of students, improve mood, promote musical creativity ability to form positive self-esteem, cultivate moral qualities, artistic taste and desire for self-healing through music. To this end, the author has developed the program "The country is musical." The main idea and summary of which you and I would like to present today. The relevance and feasibility of teaching due to the annual trend of deterioration of the health of students, a decrease in the level of culture, patriotism reduction. The essence lies in the musical and artistic development, patriotic education, and rehabilitation of children as traditional teaching methods and means of musical expression, as well as innovative means of music therapy. The novelty of the program is that aspect of the problem in the implementation of health-technology and patriotic education of students in education, applied a wide range of innovative music therapy in combination with traditional upbringing and musical-pedagogical means. The program aims: to develop the techniques of music therapy as an effective way zdorovesberezheniya, the development of musical creativity, to explore the musical heritage of his native land, on the formation of positive attitude and love for the motherland, the correct formation of the vocal skills to the initiation of children to vocal- choral and musical arts. The presented program is a creative and innovative, similar programs in the system of supplementary education for children is not known to the author.
Risk of suicide. study Risk of suicide. study
Author's research program is the probability of suicidal behavior, which allows to dramatically reduce the amount of work in the direction of life and health of the organization.