Summary. This article discusses the concept of professionalism and skill of pedagogical activity on formation of universal educational activities for primary school children in the process of introduction of the federal state educational standards in national schools.
Педагогический профессионализм в образовании как проблема современной психологии и педагогики. Материалы научно-практической конференции 15-16 декабря 2011 г./ Под ред. В.Д.Иванова. – Челябинск: ООО Матрица, 2011. – 60 с.To view "The professionalism and skill of pedagogical activity on formation of universal educational activities for primary school children (Automatic translation)"
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A. Professional competence and professionalism of the teacher [electronic resource].
URL: 2011/05/28 / - 17:55 - ab 17.11.2011 (date of treatment)
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