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Lessons from the Shroud of Turin (Automatic translation)


September 12, 2012 at 9:03 am

Discipline / Category:

Lessons from the Shroud of Turin (Automatic translation)

Analysis of the Shroud of Turin Research states that it is the Shroud Shroud of Jesus Christ.

Based on a review of scientific studies of the shroud of Jesus offers a new perspective on the origin and life of Jesus Christ. This view is supported, first, saving the life of Jesus at the crucifixion (God saved Jesus from the seemingly inevitable death by crucifixion) and, second, the persistence for almost two thousand years in difficult situations (in repeated fires) Shroud with trace (footprint) of the body of Jesus Christ. Since the probability of a random store this shroud is practically zero, it could save only God.

Propounds a model appears on the Shroud trace the body of Jesus Christ and the plan for its experimental verification.

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