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Psychological aspects of competence-based approach in teaching (Automatic translation)


March 3, 2012 at 10:54 pm

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Psychological aspects of competence-based approach in teaching (Automatic translation)

The article reveals the competence-based approach, in which the concept of competence begins to actively introduced into the theory and practice of vocational training. The correlation of concepts such as competence, competence and qualifications of formation which defines professionalism. We present a critical attitude to the existing approaches in the psycho-pedagogical research on the nature of the concepts of competence and expertise. Substantiates that the qualification is developed based on the acquisition and development of competencies, of which the latter appear as a result of various types of integrative competencies: axiological, time, cognitive, creative, communicative, autopsihologicheskoy. It is shown that the content of competence is mediated by the knowledge, skills and abilities in the process of acquiring professional and life experience.

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Mikhail Lyamzin
apr 18, 2012 at 8:59 am

Статья интересная и дискуссионная. Отклик на статью см. в разделе "Педагогика" / Научные статьи. Лямзин М.А. И снова о компетенциях и компетентности.
