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Luna. Einstein's last will and testament


April 26, 2013 at 12:40 am

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Luna. Einstein's last will and testament

Among the works and letters left behind by the great physicist Albert Einstein and man, mankind sees two revelations that is the true legacy of a scientist. Both are attracted to the Truth sought by him under the guise of a unified field theory. To the Moon.

The first of these is in his words, "God is cunning but not malicious": trick without evil - sheltered position in a prominent place. That - Truth ochmi before our God has given us to enlightenment. So Jesus stood before Thomas, His zrivshim without faith: the mind heartlessly. So looking glasses, forgotten on the forehead.

The second revelation lies in the words of the letter Ain | w | t | s | n | a counterpart to that statistic, with science | Lodges | tion, numbers (figure - Arab. Dummy: privation numbers) is of no use to the phenomenon in | selenium | tion Gar | Mon | s, Koya - simple as Wasps | new total: C | ter | women | b, Os | B as One (mon | os (Greek)) humanity (jen (Chinese)) us Liu | action.

Both revelations now known scientist in the secret heart of the mind, talk about the single: Lou | no. This is it, one | foreign | ka as the finger, we have to nochú lamp, motionless in our eyes, this is it, Mon | os-Moon, have the Axis Unit-II | growth | st round which in | rasch | discharges a this mortal world: non-number round the numbers as the privation of it. For East | ins, our axis - is A | una, Mother own who, having entered to mind human world knew her heart, and they know the Moon, Heart of being - is to reach the truth, Int | and on his way, where dismembered before | villages | b, will gain goal | tions we have: CheLOVEk - Tseloev | eyelids that Sel | en | oyu tsél | en-strong: tree - the root of their own. With him, P | Rich | foreign | j, we all, without it - we have nothing: no Common m | legs | spine, no part of the Whole.

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Ермаков О.В. Планета Любовь. Основы Единой теории Поля. 1214 с. с илл. Деп. в ГНТБ Украины 14.04.2009 г., рег. №13-Ук 2009, УДК 125, ГРНТИ 02.15.51, б/о №25.05.09 в библиографическом указателе ИНИОН РАН №4Р-2009. Свидетельства №№ 29168, 30405 Государственного департамента интеллектуальной собственности МОН Украины. Электронная публикация книги состоялась в апреле 2009 года в Научной библиотеке им. М. Максимовича Киевского национального университета им. Т.Г. Шевченко. Адреса скачивания книги:

• Портал российской науки:

• Международный академический портал:

• Научная библиотека им. М. Максимовича (Киевский национальный университет им. Т.Г. Шевченко):

• Национальная библиотека Украины им. В.И. Вернадского (Киев):

• Украинский портал Платоновой философии:

• Электронная библиотека «Куб»:

• Электронная библиотека «Coollib»:

• Труды Олега Ермакова:


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