![]() | О мегаматерии вселенной и лучевых людях Очень солнечная система своим строением напоминает мне систему ядра атома с его протонами, нейтронами и квантами.
Какое известное вещество имеет так оформленные ядра? Похожие на нашу Солнечную систему?
Если химики и физики-ядерщики не нашли до сих пор опознания можно предполагать, что это вещество не земного происхождения. Тогда это вещество космическое, это материя вселенной. Нам не знакомый.
Мне думается, что наша Земля это квант в Солнечной системе. Она имеет вращение, имеет невидимые связи с ядром – Солнцем, реагирует на все процессы на ядре через солнечный ветер, поляризуется.
На мой взгляд, Солнечная система – это действующий живой макет ядра и его окружения, только очень гигантских размеров соответственно своему веществу.
А что это за вещество? Что это за материя? По ядру можно определить?
![]() | On the energy of photosynthesis Reasoning about the person copying from nature process of converting solar energy
![]() | Doubts about the Big Bang (Automatic translation) I can not support this theory, since it does not explain the Big Bang MetaSpace and operates intangible concepts
![]() | Oil lamp as a veiled threat to the world's climate (Automatic translation) Forgotten civilized world primitive kerosene lamps not only exist, but also pretty smoked sky, in the truest sense of the word. To the dismay of scientists, found that oil lamps can produce more soot than all the world's shipping.
![]() | The climate reacts to carbon dioxide? (Automatic translation) Would we climate in the period when the dinosaurs died out? Do we want to know what happens when the greenhouse gases pumped into the atmosphere at an unprecedented rate?
![]() | Was over whether global warming? Experts meet next unscrupulous skeptic spud audience most "yellow" newspapers British Isles, with figures in hand. Forger seems debunked, but the public, sure, whatever.
![]() | Plankton fed bypassing international moratorium Without asking permission, a Californian businessman picked up and emptied into the Pacific Ocean 110 tons of iron sulphate.
![]() | People affect climate more than two thousand years The analysis of ice cores from Greenland to reconstruct the contribution of humanity in the atmospheric concentration of methane from the Roman Empire, and it was not so small as you might think from the height of the industrial revolution.
![]() | Evolution of plants is accelerated by insects If removed from the system of pests, the plants have enough of a few years to develop new environmental conditions and taken a different evolutionary path.
![]() | Thank warming: the northernmost lake in the world comes back to life Kaffenklubben lake is 707 km from the North Pole. Northern lakes on Earth is gone, but the current through the warm reached here: for 50 years, the number of species inhabiting the lake increased tenfold. And this is just the beginning.
![]() | Heat waves more frequent When your partner for a game of dice begin to fall out is often suspicious of "six", it is logical to assume that one side of the cube weighted. Many scholars use this analogy when talking about the fact that extreme weather conditions will be more frequent with global warming.
![]() | Geographic diversification of the Russian bases Ishim based crafts revival (Automatic translation) Resources south of the Tyumen region contribute to the development of crafts. Resources base of the region consists of thousands of cubic meters of willow, birch, aspen, and mineral resources. Manpower Ishim allow you to restore historic crafts.
![]() | The presence of a person makes monkeys more likely to be treated Chimpanzees living close to man, often forced to use medicinal plants because of the new gastro-intestinal parasites, which came to him from man and domestic animals.
![]() | Genetically modified cotton increased biodiversity Cotton with a bacterial toxin, harmful to the cotton moth, makes it unnecessary use of insecticides, because of which increases the number of predatory insects, contending with other pests.
![]() | FEATURES OF ECOLOGY Minira Elm sawfly (FENUSA ULMI SUND) in Krasnoyarsk (Automatic translation) Among the measures aimed at optimizing the environmental conditions of cities, an important place belongs to the landscaping. It is well known that man-made environment significantly reduces all the positive manifestations of vital urban green space. There is a need for continuous control over the level of the number of certain types of insects - phytophagous outbreak that may occur in urban plantings. The high degree of influence of negative factors inherent in urban areas leads to a weakening, premature aging, the defeat of diseases and pests, and ultimately to the death of urban green space
![]() | Arctic warming turns trees into bushes Approximately 30 trees there almost was not. Now 10-15% of the territory south of the north-west of the Eurasian tundra that stretches from Finland to western Siberia, occupied by shrubs, towering more than two meters.
![]() | Sea stars out of greed on the beach This year, one of the Japanese islands was recorded mass mortality of sea stars in search of coral star came too close to the shore, on which the waves washed them and where they have not been able to come back.
![]() | Beware of free riders in the deep sea Are deep-sea vehicles to bring a guest from the seabed?
For many years, scientists have given a negative answer, assuming that the huge pressure drop will kill any "rabbit" to cling to the outer wall. But a new study has shown that some organisms can stay long enough on the surface and eventually move to another underwater oasis.
![]() | Russian climatologists call without fear of global warming LPI staff and their colleagues from the Hydromet and MSU have formulated short-term forecast of climate change, according to which in the next thirty years, we will not warming, and a small decrease of temperature.
![]() | The fight with carbon dioxide: a common sense will survive? Alternative energy can not keep up with the heat, and European countries are going to "humanise" the latest, hiding it produced carbon dioxide underground. Can their economy is so active in the fight against global warming?
![]() | The Nature Conservancy will be more expensive (Automatic translation) If you think that the salvation of endangered species comes at a price, wait a few decades. Climate change will lead to the fact that protected areas have greatly expanded, and the cost to the environment will increase by half.
![]() | In the Arctic, found another source of methane (Automatic translation) Most likely, this methane is released by marine bacteria. His contribution to global warming, according to preliminary data, is minimal.
![]() | As nature provides nanoscale control of solar energy (Automatic translation) This process is a direct analogy to the charge separation under the action of light in photovoltaic cells
![]() | Scholars and social activists have reported the threat of catastrophe in the area Maslyaninsky The probable destruction of the river for the Birdie threatens ecological disaster area Maslyaninsky
![]() | Climatic weapon: Lord of weather: the tsunami (Automatic transation) according to the materials
Alexander Petrov
![]() | Landscape-geochemical patterns in the exploration of hydrocarbon deposits (Automatic translation) Oil and gas deposits significantly affect the geochemical and geophysical field of rocks, forming a backdrop to their various kinds of anomalies are primarily associated with the migration of hydrocarbons (HC) from the reservoir to the surface.
![]() | RESPONSE TO THE ENVIRONMENT OIL POLLUTION (Automatic translation) The paper presents the impacts oil and gas industry on the environment, demonstrated the major pollutants of the biosphere, and shows the response of nature to human impacts.