All publication on the topic "Law"

Предоставление жилья по договору социального найма Предоставление жилья по договору социального найма
В данной статье рассмотрены проблемы толкования Жилищного кодекса и гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации. Проанализированы особенности предоставления жилых помещений по договору социального найма.
A draft law on sanctions for the illegal criminal charges (Automatic nranslation) A draft law on sanctions for the illegal criminal charges (Automatic nranslation)
The document's authors suggest a few refinements to protect the interests of business with investigators seized electronic media
On approval of rules available on the Internet and update the information about the educational institution On approval of rules available on the Internet and update the information about the educational institution
On approval of rules available on the Internet and update the information about the educational institution
In Russia, will be entered free license (Automatic translation) In Russia, will be entered free license (Automatic translation)
The amendments legalizing free license to the objects of copyright, to appear in the new Civil Code: they will give authors the opportunity to submit their works to the public.
The main problem of compensation of employees in commercial organizations The main problem of compensation of employees in commercial organizations
The text of the final qualifying works, revealing the legal aspects of common difficulties faced by employees of commercial organizations in matters of pay.
Concept and types of administrative penalties Concept and types of administrative penalties
Course work in the general part of administrative law.
Deprivation of liberty as a basic form of criminal punishment. Deprivation of liberty as a basic form of criminal punishment.
Course work in the general part of criminal law.
"Problems of law in the" Markin against the Russian Federation '" (Automatic translation)
Pub in June 2011. For several years, Russian lawyers noted that the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, in many cases based on the legal position set out by the European Court of Human Rights, and the latest solutions often contain references to the legal positions of Constitutional Court in cases involving Russia. However, with the decision of the European Court of Human Rights, October 7, 2010 in the case of Konstantin Markin came the clash of two high courts.
Pragmatic and theoretical problems ekspertiki (Automati translation) Pragmatic and theoretical problems ekspertiki (Automati translation)
The main theoretical, normative and practical problems ekspertiki. Allocated to a new scientific direction in the family of jurisprudence in the study of law and legal properties of the examination. Ekspertika defined as a combination of science, practice and discipline. The necessity of studying ekspertiki not only lawyers but also by others whose work is used in the Institute for examination. Keywords. Ekspertika, expertology, ekspertovedenie, the general theory of expertise, the general theory of forensic examination of the legal institution. Nesterov AV pragmatic and theoretical problems ekspertiki / / forensic experts. - 2011. - № 2. Professor, Faculty of Law Graduate School of Economics, Doctor of Law