All publication on the topic "Other Sciences"

Предсказания событий в мире  на апрель 2014 г .Первые 10 дней. Предсказания событий в мире на апрель 2014 г .Первые 10 дней.
Предсказания событий в мире-ФЕВРАЛЬ 2014 ГОД. Предсказания событий в мире-ФЕВРАЛЬ 2014 ГОД.
Предсказания событий в мире  на январь 2014 г. Предсказания событий в мире на январь 2014 г.
землетрясения и катастрофы
Twitter has learned to play music (Automatic translation) Twitter has learned to play music (Automatic translation)
Microblogging service Twitter has added new ways for users to interact with the contents of tweets.
Autonomous universal system for warning the population in case of natural disasters. Autonomous universal system for warning the population in case of natural disasters.
Autonomous universal system for warning the population in case of natural disasters.
How to ease the flight zone of turbulence (Automatic translation) How to ease the flight zone of turbulence (Automatic translation)
The answer to this question is given instruction that an international team of aviaekpertov.
Patents do not hinder progress Patents do not hinder progress
The belief that the invention will be your intellectual property, spurring the desire to innovate.
The logic in jokes (Automatic translation) The logic in jokes (Automatic translation)
For those who do not understand it in this thing, funny and interesting examples to help
Popular ideas about extraterrestrials are worthless Popular ideas about extraterrestrials are worthless
Jill Tarter, who recently left as head of the Centre for Research Project SETI, took up the promotion of business all his life among the masses, hoping to find, including additional funding. And then he was faced with a certain handicap popular perception of the problem.
The amount of municipal grants for young scientists has risen to six million rubles (Automatic translations) The amount of municipal grants for young scientists has risen to six million rubles (Automatic translations)
Every fifth project of young scientists and engineers presented for obtaining Municipal grants received financial support.
Open Days at Moscow universities (Automatic translation) Open Days at Moscow universities (Automatic translation)
Where to Study?
Students Bashkir State University participated in the forum Students Bashkir State University participated in the forum "Lomonosov - 2012"
Attended by about two thousand young scientists
France established a prize named after Academician Lavrentyev for scientists of the Russian Federation France established a prize named after Academician Lavrentyev for scientists of the Russian Federation
The results of the contest will be announced May 31, 2012
Scientific mega-projects will receive additional funds through the year Scientific mega-projects will receive additional funds through the year
Three Russian scientific mega-project, selected for priority development
Oxford and the Vatican will be engaged in digitizing ancient manuscripts Oxford and the Vatican will be engaged in digitizing ancient manuscripts
Going to digitize some 1.5 million pages of ancient manuscripts and put them on the Internet
Ulyanovsk region was a member of the Association of Innovative Regions Russia Ulyanovsk region was a member of the Association of Innovative Regions Russia
Ulyanovsk region was a member of the Association of Innovative Regions Russia
Putin at a meeting of the RGS will award grants for projects in science and education Putin at a meeting of the RGS will award grants for projects in science and education
Putin at a meeting of the RGS will award grants for projects in science and education
Geneticists have found the home of American Indians in the Altai Geneticists have found the home of American Indians in the Altai
Geneticists have found the home of American Indians in the Altai
More than 20 innovative projects of the Altai Polytechnic University scientists will be submitted to the More than 20 innovative projects of the Altai Polytechnic University scientists will be submitted to the "Fair of Inventions"
More than 20 innovative projects of the Altai Polytechnic University scientists will be submitted to the "Fair of Inventions"
In Bashkortostan, launched a competition of scientific works of young scientists In Bashkortostan, launched a competition of scientific works of young scientists
In Bashkortostan, launched a competition of scientific works of young scientists
Siberian students received 50,000 for scientific achievement Siberian students received 50,000 for scientific achievement
Siberian students received 50,000 for scientific achievement
Tula became winners of the International Salon of Inventions Tula became winners of the International Salon of Inventions
Tula became winners of the International Salon of Inventions
In Novosibirsk, the Innovation Center will create an intercollegiate In Novosibirsk, the Innovation Center will create an intercollegiate
In Novosibirsk, the Innovation Center will create an intercollegiate