U.S. company plans to mine minerals on asteroids (Automatic translation) DSI plans to launch first probe "asteroid" of the fleet in 2015
Astrophysicists have found for the first time the aurora is the solar system (Automatic translation) Astrophysics from the University of Leicester was first discovered aurora beyond the solar system. Article scientists published in The Astrophysical Journal, and its summary can be found at TGDaily.
Astronomers have measured the mass of the big black hole (Automatic translation) U.S. astronomers measure the mass of the largest found in the universe of black holes.
Found disproportionately massive black hole (Automatic translation) At the center of most galaxies is a supermassive black hole, and often more than one. That is the case in the Milky Way. SMCHD usually increases with the mass of the galaxy itself, and vice versa. It now appears that this rule may well have many exceptions.
At 42 light years from Earth discovered habitable planet (Automatic translation) Sixth planet - HD 40307 - attracted attention of scientists because it was almost exactly in the middle of the "habitable zone" around a star. "Zone of life" scientists call the area around a star where surface Earth-like planets could exist liquid water.
Terrestrial climate models are good and on Mars Computer models that have been developed to predict the effects of hurricanes, the saturation of the atmosphere with greenhouse gases, etc., able to predict the formation of ice on Mars, when and where and when it's really happening.
Found closest to the black hole, the star American astronomers, working with two optical telescopes, the Keck Observatory, discovered the star S0-102, all located close to the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy.
Astronomers from Belarus and Russia have opened the brightest comet decade Astronomers Vitaly Nevsky (Belarus) and Artem Novichonok (Russia) on 21 September at the observatory ISON-Kislovodsk international scientific network of optical instruments (ISON), located near Kislovodsk, discovered the comet, which may be the brightest in the last decade. Confirmed the cometary nature of the object at several large telescopes, said the observatory ISON-NM.
The probability of a collision with an asteroid in 2011 minimal AG5 Finally, the situation will become clearer in 2023, when the asteroid will be at 1.8 million km from Earth. If at the beginning of February, he falls into a certain 365-kilometer corridor, the gravitational pull of the Earth will affect its trajectory so that the February 5, 2040 2011 and AG5 planet shrug their hands.
The giant protoplanetary disk has been very difficult to explain Protoplanetary disk around the star HD 202862 has a diameter of 400 a. is, in a 140. is, by this light, presumably, is the planet that does not fit into the standard model of the planetary system. How could this happen and what does that mean?
Measured the distance that separates us from the unusual star-forming galaxies from the early universe International group of astronomers were able to determine the redshift, which corresponds to that found more than a decade ago, an extremely bright source HDF 850.1, and estimate its mass and the intensity of star formation.
Saturn is preparing for the change of seasons (Automatic translation) Do not deceive you serenity of the scene with Saturn and Tethys in the lead roles. In the northern hemisphere has not healed the scars left by a colossal storm, which raged through most of 2011. And in the south is growing shadow of the rings - coming winter.
The giant radio telescope Square Kilometre Array will be located in three countries (Automatic translation) Parabolic and dipole antennas, which would amount to a vast array of Square
Giant stars talked about the Big Bang nucleosynthesis European astronomers have estimated the content of primary lithium in the universe, using the data of spectroscopic observations of massive stars that are at the late stage of its evolution.
NASA telescope recorded the light of someone else's rocky planets (Automatic translation) NASA telescope recorded the light of someone else's rocky planets
In the Galactic halo star found an unusual chemical composition (Automatic translation) In a study of ultraviolet spectra of the "old" lights HD 160 617 American astronomers have found traces of arsenic and selenium - a relatively heavy elements, which have never before been in the halo of the Milky Way stars.
Life on the vast majority of planets in our galaxy will strongly differ from the Earth (Automatic translation) Recent studies on the number of planets in the habitable zone around red dwarfs, the most massive stars in the Milky Way have shown, including the fact that if they would give rise to life, totally different from the Earth.
We found unusually faint star cluster Observations on the Canadian-French-Hawaii Telescope have shown that, in the constellation Ursa Minor hidden globular cluster, the visual luminosity is only ~ 120 times greater than solar.
The space telescope "Hubble" Egg Nebula photographed (Automatic translation) The picture is very rare: first, the brevity of this stage means that at any point in this phase are very few stars, and secondly, the clouds are dull and require powerful telescopes. As a result, a similar phenomenon was found only recently - about forty years ago, and the egg was first.
The star HIP 56948 is similar to the sun even more than previously thought (Automatic translation) This star, located about 200 light-years away in 2007 received the title of the most similar to the sun, changing 18 Scorpii. New observations have shown that HIP 56948 also has nearly the same temperature and similarly devoid of the usual for this type of star abundance of heavy elements.
NASA and ESA will explore Mars in four stages (Automatic translation) The focus of the experts put the search for traces of past or present life. Sending a man - in last place.
Titan's lake behaves like earth salt basin (Automatic translation) In Namibia, there are lowlands, which in the rainy season is covered with a thin layer of water, protruding from the ground. The water then evaporates, leaving behind a mark of how, after high tide. Although the Titan instead of water only methane, ethane and propane, the process seems to be flowing the same way.
Astrophysicists have found a candidate for the earliest galaxies (Automatic translation) If the detection of this galaxy is confirmed, it will be the most remote of the currently known
Federal Space Agency is ready to try again to implement the project "Phobos" (Automatic translation) After the failure of Russian scientists talked about the need to repeat the mission
NASA telescope in space has found the "face of God" (Automatic translation) The accumulation of stardust on the shape of a person
Putin may visit the space center is under construction "East" in the summer or fall (Automatic translation) Putin to visit these areas before you
Reform of the space industry will give fruit in the near future - Popovkin (Automatic translation) Today, our space industry is going through hard times
"Hunting for exoplanets" will continue until 2016 (Automatic translation) Astronomers can breathe easy
In Star City opened kosmotsentr in real modules of station "Mir" (Automatic translation) In Star City opened kosmotsentr in real modules of station "Mir"
Russian scientists want to "donate" Apophis satellite (Automatic translation) Russian scientists want to "donate" Apophis satellite
The Russian plan to send rovers to the moon after 2020 (Automatic translation) The Russian plan to send rovers to the moon after 2020
On Mars, found the elephant (Automatic translation) On Mars, found the elephant
Russia is rapidly losing "space leadership" in the eyes of Russians (Automatic translation) Russia is rapidly losing "space leadership" in the eyes of Russians
The Russian plan to send rovers to the moon after 2020 (Automatic translation) The Russian plan to send rovers to the moon after 2020
Egypt intends to launch a satellite, entirely created by local scientists (Automatic translation) Egypt intends to launch a satellite, entirely created by local scientists
Launch of "Proton" satellite communications SES-5 is scheduled for June 5 (Automatic translation) Launch of "Proton" satellite communications SES-5 is scheduled for June 5
Life in Europe: the depth of what is safe? (Automatic translation) According to the materials Astrobio.net, science.compulenta.ru
Birth of the Moon Theory refuted (Automatic translation) CNews - www.cnews.ru
STATE AND PROSPECTS OF GLONASS (Automatic translation) The GLONASS system is now part of the public infrastructure for timing and navigation software. Creating a component of the defense industry, today GLONASS has found application in various fields of national economy and the pace of integration in sectors such as construction, agriculture and transport are growing rapidly.