Techniques on the topic "Pedagogy"

Curriculum: Formation of adaptability to the labor market (Automatic translation) Curriculum: Formation of adaptability to the labor market (Automatic translation)
The program is adapted to the two age groups with the psychosocial stages of personality development. : Teens 15-19 and 20-25 let.Prodolzhitelnost - 9 months. 144ch. Purpose: To build adaptability to the labor market. Objectives: Educational objectives 1. Promote a positive image of themselves and the ability to objectively evaluate their own personal resources. 2. Forming students adequately present knowledge and level of educational program picture of the world: the business environment. 3. Trained to control emotions, conflict and psychological protection. 4. To form the ability to analyze and evaluate information, situations, events and motives. 5. Trained to employment. 6. Trained to build a career. Developmental problems 1. Development of critical thinking 2. Developing an understanding of the mechanisms of social interaction between people. 3. The competitiveness and self-organization. 4. Developing an understanding of successful integriratsii the social environment. 5. Motivation to develop independent work. 6. Develop competencies. Educational objectives 1. Ability to educate quietly, without hostility to perceive another's way of life, behavior, habits, feelings, opinions and ideas. 2. Cultivate respect for social norms and ethical requirements.
Methods of objective assessment of the level of health and operational readiness STUDENTS (Automatic translation) Methods of objective assessment of the level of health and operational readiness STUDENTS (Automatic translation)
Objectives: One of the important problems facing teachers of physical culture, is considered a low level of health and physical readiness of students. Another problem is the lack of valid and reliable methods of controlling the load received by students in the classroom, which often leads to a deterioration in their functional state. The aim of this work is to improve the operational readiness of students to exercise, which will positively affect the overall physical fitness. Methods: The author proposes to use in teaching physical education departments, the method of Professor A. Zavyalova as informative and reliable criterion for assessing the organism's reaction to physical stress. This method worked well in the training process of high-class sportsmen. Results: The findings indicate that young people involved in the experimental group, as a result of training sessions, minute blood volume decreased significantly (P <0.05) with 5,6 ± 0,4 l / min. up to 4,5 ± 0,3, indicating a more economical operation of the body alone students of experimental group compared with the original parameters. The data obtained show that the level of operational readiness of students in the experimental group after the experiment, significantly higher than control group students. Scope of the results: This method is experimentally confirmed to be effective and may, in the opinion of the author, is widely used in the training process to discipline physical education in secondary and higher vocational education.