![]() | Чому вчать наших дітей сучасні мультфільми? Исследование проведено и статья написана:
студентами Национального университета "Острожская академия",
факультета романо-германских языков
группы А-22
Андрейчук М.
Балагур О.
Гладка Ю.
Лелях К.
Степанчук М.
У статті представлено окремі результати соціологічного дослідження, що проводилось з метою дослідження впливу мультиплікаційної продукції на дітей молодшого шкільного віку. Визначено характер їх впливу та тип персонажів, які здійснюють найбільший вплив.Подано результати смакових уподобань дітей щодо вибору мультфільмів та засвоєння їх змісту, а також результати вивчення ставлення батьків до вибору мультипродукції для дітей, способів здійснення керівництва переглядом мультфільмів.
Ключові слова:персонаж, мультипродукція, сприймання мультфільмів, вплив мультфільмів на свідомість дітей.
Чему учат наших детей современные мультфильмы?
В статье представлены отдельные результаты социологического исследования, которое проводилось с целью исследования влияния, которое производит мультимедийная продукция на детей младшего школьного возраста. Определено характер их влияния та тип персонажей, которые имеют наибольшее влияние. Представлены результаты вкусовых предпочтений детей относительно выбора мультфильмов и понимания их содержания, а также данные изучения отношения родителей к выбору мультипродукции для детей, способов осуществления руководства просмотром мультфильмов.
Ключевые слова:персонаж, мультипродукция, восприятие мультфыльмов, влияние мультфильмов на сознание детей.
What are our children taught by the cartoons?
The paper presents some results of sociological researchon the influence, which was carried out with an aim to study the impact of cartoon production on the primary school age children. The way in which they influence children and the characters which have the greatest bearing have been determined. The results of childern’s preferences for the choice of cartoons and the understanding of their content are shown, as well as the results of the parental attitude towards the choice of the cartoons, the way of control over the process of watching cartoons.
Key words: character, cartoon, cartoon production, perception of cartoons, cartoons impact on the children minds.
![]() | Хусяинов Т.М. Занятость в сети Internet: позиция работника Все большее распространение в инновационной экономике получает занятость в сети Internet, данная форма организации труда позволяет повысить эффективность работников, снизить затраты фирмы на труд. Но помимо достоинств у занятости в сети Internet есть и ряд недостатков. В статье подробно рассматриваются положительные и отрицательные стороны занятости работников в сети Internet.
![]() | Modeling and Model of Social Development Russian Interior Ministry troops (Automatic traslation) The article deals with the essence of modeling of social control and offers an innovative service model of social development the Interior Ministry of Russia. Operation of the service expected at the three levels of control: strategic, operational-level territorial and military unit. Divided into the following functional blocks of Social Development: Strategic planning and development, social services, resource support, and medical and spa services.
![]() | Functional analysis of the management structure of the social sphere of the Interior Ministry of Russia on the modern stage (Automatic translation) The article presents the structural and functional analysis of the management of the social sphere the Interior Ministry of Russia. The conclusion about the optimality of the existing structure.
![]() | Social protection of officials of the Police Corps and military personnel inside the guard of the Russian Empire (Automatic translation) The genesis of the social protection of the police officials with the first third of the XVIII century. before the start of the XX century., as well as during the formation of the social security system Corps troops inside the guard of the Russian Empire.
![]() | Sotsiovitalnye needs as a new concept in sociology (Automatic translation) The article is devoted to the development of the conceptual apparatus of sociology categorical. Analyzed campaigns to determine the nature and structure of human needs. The author proposes to enter into scientific use the term "sotsiovitalnye needs." Sociology of social services is a natural habitat of the proposed term of approbation. Meeting the needs of sotsiovitalnyh can be considered as the criterion of "social" rights, the basis for the formation and subsequent satisfaction of the higher (spiritual) needs.
![]() | Social sphere of internal forces: structural and functional analysis (Automatic translation) The article considers the social sphere in terms of structural and functional analysis. Approaches to study the components of the social sphere structural elements and their functions. There are the following components of the social sphere of internal troops of the structural elements: housing and public utilities, trade and consumer, health improvement and social health, culture and leisure (and leisure), physical culture and sports. There raznopodchinenny nature of governance in the social sphere.
![]() | European Army :: "The soldier - a citizen, but dressed in military uniforms" (state army social services) (Automatic translation) The article considers the experience of managing military-social issues in the armed forces of Great Britain, Germany and France. Carried out structural and functional analysis of the control systems of social sphere of the military organization the main Western European countries. Particular emphasis is placed on the positive solutions to social problems of servicemen to be dismissed from military service. However, the article provides a critical analysis of the solutions to social requests of servicemen and their families.
![]() | Managing the social sphere in the armed forces: the U.S. experience (Automatic translation) The article examines the complex American system of control of the military-social issues in modern terms, it is carried out structural and functional analysis. Particular emphasis is placed on the positive solutions to social problems of servicemen to be dismissed from military service.
![]() | Social Development Priorities Russia's military organization: the analysis of policy documents (Automatic translation) The article considers the essence of social development of the military organization of society from the standpoint of analysis of policy documents. It is proved that the effective development of social sphere of the military organization is impossible without a clear vision of its goals, which requires its conceptual foundation. An analysis of federal, religious, military and institutional policy documents related to the development of social sphere of the military organization in Russia.
![]() | Management features of social sphere of the Russian Interior Ministry of the Interior (Automatic translation) The article discusses the specific features of social Interior Ministry of Russia as a social phenomenon, carried out the structural and functional analysis of the control system of social sphere of internal affairs.
![]() | "Cult" and "sect": the problem of delimitation The article is dealt with a meaning of the notion “cult” in terms of western counter-cult and anti-cult movements, contemporary native sect and scientific religion research. A number of scientific concepts of cults is given. The conditionality of different treatments of this notion according to different religion and secular circles is shown. It is recommended for a wide circle of readers.
![]() | The social sphere of society, and military organizations: theoretical foundation allocation (Automatic translation) Filimonov O.V.
The social sphere of the society and military organization: theoretical foundation of its marking-out.
The article considers a theoretical foundation for the social sphere's marking-out as specific social phenomenon. The genesis of views of the social sphere of the society is investigated. The analysis of views of the military and social sphere is carried out and the boundaries of the military and social spheres of the military organization are outlined. The necessity of drawing more attention to social problems of such social and professional group as the military is emphasized. The necessity is stipulated by a specificity of tasks currently discharged and limitations of constitutional rights for a self-dependent rise in living standards. It's specified that a systematic inattention to social need of servicemen increases the danger of their transition to the marginal group.
Key words: spheres of the social life; social sphere; military sphere; social justice; social safety.